What I Did Today

Today I began by summarizing job listings and posting them to CTP’s skill center page. I had some issues with my computer and the technical difficulties made it slow to get started at first, but after restarting, it seemed to be fine. I also noticed some differences with the WordPress colors from usual on the New Post page which was a bit distracting. Next I worked on trying to improve my typing speed. At first I had a worse result than yesterday, with only 49 wpm and accuracy under 95%. Later on I tried a few more speed tests which actually brought it back up to where it was yesterday. I noticed that, sometimes, a very slight difference in the angle or positioning of my keyboard can have a large impact on the number of errors I make. Afterward, I looked into trying to find CTP Alumni on LinkedIn, and I actually managed to find one profile with CTP listed as their education from 1982. It feels like the profiles get scarcer to find the earlier the graduation year, maybe because many graduates would be retired, or if they do have an active profile, they may not mention CTP as it was long ago. I then worked on researching companies and benefit corps that might be suitable to outreach for potential partnership with CTP, although I didn’t find any new ones than what was already listed. Lastly, I spent time researching rehabilitation centers for the same reason. During the meeting yesterday, Carrie mentioned drafting an outreach letter catered toward rehab centers. Today she said the outreach would be handled by staff, so associates don’t need to worry about doing the outreach ourselves.