Level 1 Help Desk & Onsite Technician (Elk Grove, California)

Company: Computer Experts Link: https://www.indeed.com/jobs?q=help+desk+it&l=california&from=searchOnDesktopSerp&vjk=c9f03ea9348beea7&advn=4219392376632108 Here is an in person IT Helpdesk in Elk Grove California on indeed. You will help users with any technical issues related with desktops, laptops, mobile devices, printers and network activities. Open and log trouble tickets in the call tracking system to track issues from identification through resolution. Provide phone, …

IT Support/Administrative Assistant (Walnut, California)

Company: AC Infinity Inc. Link: https://www.indeed.com/jobs?q=help+desk+it&l=california&from=searchOnDesktopSerp&vjk=d05fbff9f9ad9e99&advn=5728776496456521 Here is a IT support position in Walnut, California. You will assist in creating training materials about computer troubleshooting and usage. Work with 3rd party providers to keep networks running. You will also need to install and configure computer systems foe both hardware and software. The job requires that …