What I Did Today

Today I worked on calling exercises with the group in 3cx. It was a little confusing at first, but I eventually got it right in my second group. For the rest of the day, I worked on customer service responses.

What I Did Today

I got to use 3CX phone system again. A different assignment this time. It was a little difficult at first but we got better after redoing the exercise. I had fun with it. I also worked on the professional email responses. I hope I did okay on it.

Office Receptionist (Hybrid), Redwood City

Company: IST Management This is a full-time role looking for applicants who have a professional demeanor and excellent communication skills. Customer Service/Retail/Hospitality background preferred. Keyboard and PC skills desired. Responsibilities include receptionist tasks, inventorying and stocking, providing administrative support, handling monthly reports, etc. Apply here!