What I Did This Week

– Networking Labs
— I feel like filling out the diagram helped my comprehension A LOT. The rest was a fun puzzle. Running commands makes me feel so powerful.
— Configuring Firewalls, pfSense, troubleshooting
– Mock interviews
— Got some really good advice about when to say technical things and when to not. I’m really enjoying the interview practice not it feels like fine-tuning.
– Employment Services
— Attended a seminar on different types of technician jobs.
– Followed up on the internship and have a plan of when I want to start.
– Talked to a friend who used to be a serverbarn night shift worker (she’s now a systems Architect) and got some information on that kind of job and a connection for a similar job.
– Very tired this week but feel like I did a good job anyways due to the structures I’ve put in place.

What I Did Today

I did a “video interview” with Carrie today and we didn’t know it was coming so it was an impromptu interview that was being video taped. Carrie will send the link to me so I can view it on a private YouTube channel so I’ll be able to analyze myself.

I worked on my Linkedin profile and I am beginning to see it take shape and become professional enough to add it to my resume which is also looking real good in my opinion.

I used ChatGpt to help me with my wording on the “about me” section of Linkedin profile and I’m happy to say that I’m getting more and more comfortable using ChatGpt.

Customer Support Representative (Warren, in person, full time in Davis, CA.)

Listed requirements include sales, pricing and customer service.

Duties include: Meeting and greeting customers, assisting sales staff with proposals, great communication with staff and customers, following up with customers on promotions and satisfaction, guiding and processing customer orders, navigating customer concerns, providing knowledgeable answers to customer questions, and gaining industry expertise.



Customer Service Rep (Lincare, In person, Redding, CA.)

Only listed skill requirement is computer literacy.

Responsibilities include: Providing outcome-based solutions, submitting new orders, prepare and analyze the billing and setup paperwork, working with patients to troubleshoot issues, analyzing customer needs and making recommendation to management and providers, and participate in the training of new employees.

